salam... what a hectic week.. trust me, i feel like my whole week move sooo slow this time... sooo slow!. for the past 7 days, i've been doing lotsa things... sangat dirasakan masa berlalu terlalu lambat walaupun dengan banyak perkara yg dilakukan..... dan terasa mahu berkongsi dgn semua apa yg telah diri ini lalui sepanjang 7 hari ini......
pagi2 dah bangun untuk get ready iman for his first taekwando class.. paid the fees and all that. picked him up from taekwando class and drove straight to send him tuition. back home to pick up mum for medical check up at KPJ hospital. waited for almost 5 hours.
woke up early and rushed to the hospital.. on the way, stopped by at my aunt's house to send her some news. stayed up at the hospital until evening.
my first working day! can u believe that?. woahhh! i wore mum's silk blue kurung for my first day. i felt like mum is always with me accompanying me and support me for my first day... as a newbie, i was doing nothing.. just some briefing from the former chambering student.... took over some of her files. terasa masa tu lambat sangat berlalu... i cant even speak up properly with the staffs! felt embarrasse like hell! got my filing form.. studied it. filled up the form bla bla bla.. after working hour, rushed to the hospital. returned home at 9. tired. sleep at 10. huh~
second day of working... the other chambering student was not at the office, she settled some of her stuff at the kl high court and i was alone at the office doing nothing... co-master instructed me nothing. instructed the other staffs not to give works as yet.. thank you so much. i killed the time by doing nothing, speak to no one, read the book that i've been reading sooo many time! bukak fails, but dunno what to do! zero knowledge and feel like a loser! boooo!
completed my filing forms. second boss came to the office and asked for some files. i dunno what to do since i know nothing bout the files! i cant even found where the files were located.. again, booooo to u a loser! but later, i learnt how to fill ckht form.. saja tulis lambat2 biar masa cepat berlalu.... done with ckht, learnt some other things... knowledge increased! after working hour, i rushed to bukit tinggi to collect my new lappy from awin. rushed again to the hospital. supposed to have meeting at goldcourse hotel at 9pm but i escaped! went for dinner with my siblings and returned home at 10pm.
again, the othe chambering student was away for AG interview.. again, i hv nothing to do.. done some photocopy work, fill up forms, etc.... received a phone call from a law firm asking me for an interview.. what a sad story. i hv to reject the offer. im going to proceed it with the current firm and dont feel like moving to another firm.. went to hospital again after working hour and return home at 9. bbm-ing with a colleague and sleep quite late. tahniah. sure bgn lambat esoknya.
dah agak.. mmg bangun lambat! hujan lebat n bumbung rumah bocor! main tarik2 krusi at the morning with bibik to remove all the wet carpets.. fuhhhhh! went to work a bit late. jammed like hell! arrived at the office sharp at 9! consider lambat okeh! big boss's first task, went to PKNS shah alam to settle some stuff.. yeayy! at last! dpt buat kerja luar! i loikeee! tp pegi kjap je pon... return back to office at 11.30. master sound sbb x register documents from pkns kat buku log at the reception desk. sad. i was too eager to show the master that i could picked up some documents wth my own.. bukan salahku. honest mistake. i dnt even know that! ingatkan bole tros bwk masuk file! and the other staffs x ckp pun psl tu! damn! i felt stupid and emberrased! thank you master. and at noon, i went to attend a client for the first time! mak! nervous! i know nothing! and what if the client ask me some silly questions yet i dnt know how to explain! seriously, it did happened! again, another embarrassing moment. at 5pm, went to meet the master to show her my filing form for double check up. again, dy sound lagi! ' kenapa baru hantar sekarang? kenapa tak hantar pagi2 td?' madam, how do i know your free time?. seriously... i felt like my master dont really like me. ke mmg style dy gitu?. ntahlah.. kita submit kt dy petang for double ckeck up je, bukan soh dy isi pun. just check and sign, x sampai 5 minit pon.. i tanak anta pagi sbb tau dy byk kes nak kna handle, then tanak lah semak2 kacau dy utk pekara yg mcm tu.. sigh~ after working hour, went for farewell/ welcoming party with the staffs of my department i am working with. to welcome my new coming to the department and to say goodbye to the former chambering student yg tamat latihan this week... sad moment yow.. walaupon baru kenal sis br seminggu... da rsa rapat sangat sebab dia yg jd bahan rujukanku selama seminggu ni.... rasa tanak bg dy berhenti... tanak.......
pagi2 dah bangun untuk get ready iman for his first taekwando class.. paid the fees and all that. picked him up from taekwando class and drove straight to send him tuition. back home to pick up mum for medical check up at KPJ hospital. waited for almost 5 hours.
woke up early and rushed to the hospital.. on the way, stopped by at my aunt's house to send her some news. stayed up at the hospital until evening.
my first working day! can u believe that?. woahhh! i wore mum's silk blue kurung for my first day. i felt like mum is always with me accompanying me and support me for my first day... as a newbie, i was doing nothing.. just some briefing from the former chambering student.... took over some of her files. terasa masa tu lambat sangat berlalu... i cant even speak up properly with the staffs! felt embarrasse like hell! got my filing form.. studied it. filled up the form bla bla bla.. after working hour, rushed to the hospital. returned home at 9. tired. sleep at 10. huh~
second day of working... the other chambering student was not at the office, she settled some of her stuff at the kl high court and i was alone at the office doing nothing... co-master instructed me nothing. instructed the other staffs not to give works as yet.. thank you so much. i killed the time by doing nothing, speak to no one, read the book that i've been reading sooo many time! bukak fails, but dunno what to do! zero knowledge and feel like a loser! boooo!
completed my filing forms. second boss came to the office and asked for some files. i dunno what to do since i know nothing bout the files! i cant even found where the files were located.. again, booooo to u a loser! but later, i learnt how to fill ckht form.. saja tulis lambat2 biar masa cepat berlalu.... done with ckht, learnt some other things... knowledge increased! after working hour, i rushed to bukit tinggi to collect my new lappy from awin. rushed again to the hospital. supposed to have meeting at goldcourse hotel at 9pm but i escaped! went for dinner with my siblings and returned home at 10pm.
again, the othe chambering student was away for AG interview.. again, i hv nothing to do.. done some photocopy work, fill up forms, etc.... received a phone call from a law firm asking me for an interview.. what a sad story. i hv to reject the offer. im going to proceed it with the current firm and dont feel like moving to another firm.. went to hospital again after working hour and return home at 9. bbm-ing with a colleague and sleep quite late. tahniah. sure bgn lambat esoknya.
dah agak.. mmg bangun lambat! hujan lebat n bumbung rumah bocor! main tarik2 krusi at the morning with bibik to remove all the wet carpets.. fuhhhhh! went to work a bit late. jammed like hell! arrived at the office sharp at 9! consider lambat okeh! big boss's first task, went to PKNS shah alam to settle some stuff.. yeayy! at last! dpt buat kerja luar! i loikeee! tp pegi kjap je pon... return back to office at 11.30. master sound sbb x register documents from pkns kat buku log at the reception desk. sad. i was too eager to show the master that i could picked up some documents wth my own.. bukan salahku. honest mistake. i dnt even know that! ingatkan bole tros bwk masuk file! and the other staffs x ckp pun psl tu! damn! i felt stupid and emberrased! thank you master. and at noon, i went to attend a client for the first time! mak! nervous! i know nothing! and what if the client ask me some silly questions yet i dnt know how to explain! seriously, it did happened! again, another embarrassing moment. at 5pm, went to meet the master to show her my filing form for double check up. again, dy sound lagi! ' kenapa baru hantar sekarang? kenapa tak hantar pagi2 td?' madam, how do i know your free time?. seriously... i felt like my master dont really like me. ke mmg style dy gitu?. ntahlah.. kita submit kt dy petang for double ckeck up je, bukan soh dy isi pun. just check and sign, x sampai 5 minit pon.. i tanak anta pagi sbb tau dy byk kes nak kna handle, then tanak lah semak2 kacau dy utk pekara yg mcm tu.. sigh~ after working hour, went for farewell/ welcoming party with the staffs of my department i am working with. to welcome my new coming to the department and to say goodbye to the former chambering student yg tamat latihan this week... sad moment yow.. walaupon baru kenal sis br seminggu... da rsa rapat sangat sebab dia yg jd bahan rujukanku selama seminggu ni.... rasa tanak bg dy berhenti... tanak.......
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CONVEYANCING DEPARTMENT KHAMDAN & CO. from left: kak as, farah, kak ina, hani (former chambie student) *tatau nama(adik kak as), me front: kak suzan (convey lawyer), kak ezah (liti lawyer) |
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