
jumble up everything ~

salam. n hello!.haha

no current issues, absolutely no good news at all. today's event?.yup.. mmg nk berceloteh sket bout what had happened today. hurmm.. me start my day miserably. jam at nkve n it took almost 2hours to reach uia, wth la kan. haih..masuk klas ngm2 kna perli ngn mdm. again, wth! abes klas tros zoom pulang ke rumah org tua.. yeah, kunun2 nk sejukkan hati sket la an.. tbe2 dgr rumors kna evacuate mahallah lagi for this coming vacation wlaupon next sem remain the same room, plus, store isnot provided. yup, again, WTH! sabar lagi ni..yee.. balik2 tros online then got good news yg room evacuation cancelled. fuh!, selamat!.kalau x mmg sia2 kna caci n maki.. around 3pm, daddy ajk g jenjalan..g bank la actually. jd driver dy jap, sekaligus melapangkan nafas yg sesak d rumah ni.. hurm, cane nk ckp ye..xtau la cane nk mula.. i saw someone like him, or ntah2 btol him somewhere around my neighbourhood,.u, kalau btol itu u, then plis2 let me know.. takpela.. let it past together with the wind..huk3

ok, nk dijadikan cerita, sesampainya di bank yg dituju, me punya la tawaf bank nk carik parking bsama si kecik iman tu. daddy da masuk dulu la.. then dpt parking me n adik tros la zoom ke dlm bank. sjuk sket aircond free.haha..owh, i noticed smone! my dad da snyum2 kambing la an.. haha.. ok, ptotla happy semacam..dy sonok dok jumpa 'menantu idaman' dy kat situ..wahh! me dlm ati, 'masak r pasni kna bahan kaw2!shoot!' huh!, dear F, u jgnla igt my dad tu dok suka n always ayat2 u, offer2 u jd menantu dy, u da dpt green light..owh come on!.i know u n u know me too..ayat paling sentap my dad bg was, 'haih, da terkedu da dua2 org.haha' whats wrong with u daddy?. u igt ni zaman dulu2 nk match making?.waahh!,. erkk..tetiba terbayang kalau2 mmg kna kawen paksa nnt..huh! kuar dr stu tros lepak kopitiam. my dad mcm2 tnya, umur dia, kja dah ke, ank no bapa, kna ktne.wahh! me jwb mna yg tau jelah. n last ade gelak besar by me d hujung jawapan n bserta statement xleh balh. 'ayh ni tanya macam akk btol2 nak jd bini dy je. belom kenal sgt2 la. nnt kalau da kenal rapat, ayh tnya lagi ek soklan2 yg lebih mncabar.' hahaha,,wth,again n again!.ayh, itu adalah ayt sarkastik terover yg me boleh bg..maaf, saya x berminat.. n me sambung 'ayh, dah2 la jgn la offer dy nk jd menantu ke hantu ke hape ke,.kot2 dy datang betol, kan naya je ank ayh sorg ni..ayh mmg r best, dpt menantu idaman, tp kakak x best la sbb xdpt suami idaman.huk3..' yes, btol kan3??. ttba baru la tringat yg saya ade sorg adik pompuan.. n sgt pantas minda ini bfikir..ntah2 dy nk offer kat my lil sis, bukan offer kat me pon, prasan trlebih sudeh ainil hawa!. yeah!. hopefully,.yeah!.

ini bukan kali ptama blaku..everytime my dad met him, bile balik umah dgn sgt excited dy announce satu pelusuk rumah itu..bole kata every single moment la kan..haih..n everytime i saw his happy face, i keep asking myself,.'boleh ke me bagai my dad menantu yg dy bole betul2 terima?.what if he cant?.owh, my dad is flexible,.mungkin boleh..what about my mum?.whatever happened, she still my mum kn?..' i start thinking bout my future.. yup,. my future with someone who i dunno i can fully corporate with him or not. with my stubborness, keras hati lagi, jiwa kental terlebih..gelong x bertepi..can i?.risau ni risau...

put that aside.. xperlu runsing2 lagi wat masa ni.. now ni ngh pk for my first single event with Pu3 this coming thursday. i will b conducted a tahlil n akn blangsung in my house.. adatlah, bile bertahlil mesti ada cuci2 mulut bagai.. sekarang memikirkan menu ye.. mum suro order je tp dad ckp masak sndiri..masak mihun bodo pon takpe. tp mslhnya xkan la nk hidangkan org mihun bodo2 je??.masak apa?. from a till z i hv to settle it by myself.. no more asking for help.tanak terhutang budi walaupon dgn darah daging sendiri. fine. u dont love me. i will never care anymore. u want me to leave this house asap n i will do it as u wish.. never mind. give me less than 1 year, ill make sure everyrthg runs smoothly. dont bother me. dont pretend like u care while actually u r not.. well, Allah knows better. He gives u a person like me for u to ponder. why do He creates me like this?with this kind of features?.sbb apa?.bcoz nobody is perfect! nobody! kalau u x bole nk accept me apa adanya, well n fine i got some places outside there which can accept me the way i am..bukanla nk kata x kenang jasa.. me also have heart. i do have feeling.. kalau nk saya jd heartless, better u request anak patung je awl2 dulu,dont request a creature called human being to be one of ur companies.. apa2 pun, thnx alot. i know i did hurt u so much. but me also hurt a lot!.. we hurt each other kan?.im sorry for being rude for u then.. ok, lets life determines what would happen to us after this.. enough until here. all the best. continue to love ur love. never mind me. im nobody pun for u..

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