
it shows yg lelaki mmg tak boleh hidup tanpa kehadiran wanita~

dengan cekal saya menulis tajuk entry ni.. saya rasa pendapat saya ini mmg benar..its proven!. wanita tak akan senang2 meninggalkan lelaki (im sayin in terms of marriage relationship ye, so please stick ur mind that this issue is relating to husband and wife) ttp lelaki dengan senang je bole pergi melupakan wanita..

i got a news from a friend of mine.. a close friend actually.. i went trough her wall page in FB. saw a photo sort-of-family photo la gitu.. a wedding photo.. she just lost her mom about 8-9 months ago. then dgn nada sopan i asked her.. "ur cousin yg mna yg kawen ni? sdondon la bju korg sume.." haha...then she replied a bit slower but steady.. "tulah makcik baru aku.." dgn laju ye mulut ini mmbls.. "ur dad kawen lagi???" a bit shocked!. a lot actually!.owh uncle.. i thought you were okey being a single father. u r about 60 this year uncle.. its ur time to focus on your life instead of leaving your younger daughter staying alone all night at home waiting you to come home, but instead of focusing on ur daughter, u r enjoying ur new life with new wife.. friend, i hope you tabah.. i cant believe how tough she is. (owh, at least you still have mom n siblings who stay with you in one roof kan, how lucky u r, A!). then i proceed dengan ayat penyedap hati.. "takpelah..da jodoh ayah mu sampai dulu...at least adela org yg nk jga dy bila da tua nanti. nownie mu focus on mu pnya jodoh lak ye..haha.." yes, i mean it. i mean all my words..

tpulanglah kalau lepas ni people nk judge me berfikiran kolot or ortodoks or out of date sekalipun..as for me, i hv my own arguments why men shouldn't treat their own flesh blood like this smata2 untk smone yg dia br kenal.. i dont judge people by its surface je. i truly understand its nature.. and again, as for me, this is unacceptable walaupon si anak kata tak apa. si ayah sbgai payung keluarga, fikirkanlah untuk kbaikan semua.. thats it..

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