manusia masa kini..
- first of all,dpt atleast B in criminal as the second timer!..arr..so sucks!..
- menghakis masalah bgn lmbat gue..huu..
- cube sedaya upaya tok tdo awl..hahah!! (skang je! da kol 3am!)
- kurangkan skaldal sekaligus jimat wet topup..hee..
- krgkan layan perasaan ngn Da' Sucks!
- jimat dwet blnje...smpn wet PT n cume gune wet yg akn dberi jer..
- terminate broadband!..huhuhu..hampir xterdaya.
- kurangkn hiburan,banyakkan ibadah..insyaallah tok bhu
- nak pkai pkaian yg menutup urat2 saraf saye..
- xmau g klas lambat lg dah..haa..malu kowt!
- xmau blk umah salu..........
- cube terima kekurangan diri dan insan2 sekitar
- DIET!. mak,ni ssh ni..huu...
laptop rosak.nk bukak.. pon cume wat skt ati je..ikotkn nafsu nk je beli baru..ikotkn ati mmg nk bli PC pkai dwet pt..tp ble pk2 blk,bkn aku gune salu pon...cume wat ak buang masa..wat assgmnt pon xkemana..lib kan ade..kwn2 pon ade..so padamkan niat tu wat masa ni... kmpul dwet nk g umrah pas grad t..da jnji ngn nani..lau dy xnk g pon xpe..leh je g sndri..asalkn da psg niat kan..haha..
back to the Q y aku dok pk dr td ni..."how to determine the offender is stictly liable for the crime without considering the evil intention?.hwever the general rule of crime is based on 2 basic elemets; mensrea n actus rea..so how to determine??". c?? soklan simple pon ak bleh cnfuse..cmne nk msk klas sok ni pon ak xtau..hmm...
back to the krisis jiwa..hmm..so far im clean!. but i know ade kwn2 sy y kt stu tu arent totally clean enough lg..lau stakat jantan kite nak ignore kawan sndri,baik padamkan jela niat tu..back to the nature ma fren..pk baik2..skang bleh la awk wat cmtu..n skang bleh la org tlg awk lg..igt..kawan pon ade ati,ade perasaan..jgn ikotkn ati ngn prasaan sndri je..kwn2 sayangkan awk..lau sy xanggp awk kwn saye,da lama saya biakan awk je..diam xbmakna kite setuju..awk kna phm tu..awk kna pk elok2..watpe nk wat bnda yg bleh mkn dri sndri..sama r cm lau kite minum arak ..sbb tula ALLAh awl2 lagi haramkan kite amek bnda2 cmtu..bnda yg bleh melalaikan kite..hilangkan kewarasan kite sebagai umat Muhamad..lupa pegangan diri..lupe semuanya..lupe kawan2 yg salu ade ngn awk...igt,,bile awk susa,kwn gak y awk crik..kwn gak yg akn cube tlg awk..awk jugak xleh nk tahan sorg2 sakit tu nnt..biasalah,,bila perasaan yg da kawal diri kite,xkn ade da kewarasan dan cara2 pencegahan yg bleh kite fikirkan..org pon salu cmtu gak..kenala saling beringat..kite same2 beringat.. prevention is always better than cure.btol x?.so lau xnak sakit jgn r crik pnyakit...sbbnya bile awk sakit,bnda tu leh bjgkit..n org xnk sakit sma sbb tgk awk skt..phm kn mksd org?.org cube nk jd kwn y tbaik..n org cube slagi mana yg termampu..org akn ade bile2 je awk perlukn org...jgnla sia2kan pe yg org da cube bwat tok awk ni..lau btol la awk hargai org sbg kwn awk,lawan la perasaan awk tu sndri..ikot kata hati mmg kite mati..ikotkan kata nafsu mmg kite buntu..ikotkan kata minda dan sifat waras yg ade dlm jiwa tu..insyaallah kite slamat dunia akhirat..selamat dr anasir2 y salu merosakkn jiwa2 lemah kite sbg wanita...kuat mana pon kite,macho tahap dewa skalipon,airmata tu jela yg akn jd peneman setia bile jiwa da lara..tnyala diri kite ape yg kite nak sbnrnya dlm idop ni..lau btol awk nakkan dy,bjuang tok dapatkn die..lau awk kate "dah! org xnak lg dah!" usahala sedaya upaya tok lepaskan die..biala dy datang kat kite aslkan kite pandai tepis n elak sume gangguan2 tu, insyaalah kte ttp akn dpt terima knyataan tu nnt..pcayalah ckp org..org da penah rse pe y awk rse..org da wat ape y org spatotnya wat.sbb org xthn nak tanggung sakit tu lama2...mmg sakit mule2..tp lau stakat sakit dunia pon kite xleh nak tahan,cmne kite nak lawan sakit di alam barzah n di dunia abadi kite yg mmg sedia maklum xtertahan azabnya nanti kan.. APE2 pon sumenya terpulang kt dri kte sndri..kite y plh jln idop kite..kte yg warnakan rentang2 kehidupan kite..bile awk rse saya btol,awk ikotla but ble awk rse ade kekurangan yg sy sndri pon xsedar,awk tegurlah..sma2 kite blja sastera2 kehidupan ni yg xmgkn penah ade kesudahannya.....wassalam..
how to b single
first: believe in yourself...love urself..yes!.yourself! --which is the most important ingredient!.
- we have to love ourselves fiercely.like a lioness protecting her cub
- we love ourselves as passionately as the romans love, with joy and entitlement and enthusiasm
- we do love ourselves with the pride and dignity of any french women.
- we love ourselves like 70-years-old brazillian enjoying the samba dance in the middle of a block party!.is that posible?.haha
- we have to aggrasively love ourselves. we practically have to stalk ourselves, that is how much energy we need to put into this.
- last but not least, we have to discover our inner Viking and wear our shining armor and love ourselves as bravely as we ever thought possible. so yes!. i guess we practically have to love ourselves!
a long time ago, my fren(if i can call him a fren) always argued sayin that if i have to choose btween man n fren, the exact answer is the man..fren may with me forever dlm keadaan susah or senang but love is difficult to find..hahaha!!..i proved to him that was WRONG!.kawan pon ade hati n perasaan..kawan pon pandai berkecil hati..kawan pon boleh hilang n pergi kalau kite abaikan die..so what??. i proved it wrong..mmgla betol kawan akn sentiasa ada dgn kite but it just physically..but emotianally?sedangkan haiwan pon pandai merajuk inikan pula manusia yg tuhan anugerahkan akl fikiran yg cerdik dan hati dan perasaan y mudah tersentuh..so the better ways are to show n spread ur love in the circle of urs..the cirlce which is built to urself.. then baru u can get the real love of ur life..it that so ironic rite?. i like this..perhaps u like this too..
nothing much to say....
just look and smile!. =)
saya syg die..
sbg kawan yg paling akrab..
zaman kecik2 dulu..
he was my obsession..
and now he was gone
pergi mengadap Allah yang Esa..
oh...itulah takdirnya..
yg hidup tu pasti akan kembali..
cuma masa dan dimana..
persoalannya yg xmampu kita jwb..
sbgai mnusia kite cume mmpu bserah..
ive given the news a few hours ago...he was died this morning due to accident in ulu yam...
i like to called him boy.. his real name was farid.. my first obsession(if i can said so).
he was nice..good looking..matured...byk knangan kanak2 bsama die..dulu tym kecik salu bfikir lau la aku dpt kawen ngn die...huk3...never be close wif him, only just for a while during my form 4 but i know he liked me too..huhu...farid..what happen to u?.u r gone too fast!..makk!...aku rase kehilangan!..xcukup2 rase sedih n kehilangan!...ohh,,im sorry...xsepatutnya aku rse cmni...sapelah aku nk meratapi pemergiannya...aku doakn kau bhgia di sana...Allah lebih sayangkan kau..kau byk ajr aku erti kehidupan...byk...aku xpernah rse tenang setenang bile aku dpt tgk riaksi kau..mengiburkan..kau baik..wlau apepon yg org lain kate..aku tau jauh di sudut ati kau,kau mmg seorang yang baik..wlau sape pon yg pernah singgah kat hati ni..kau ttp yg pertama farid.itu xkan pernah berubah...
aku smpn sume kenangan kite baik2..kau ttp dalam anganku...aku ttp akan sayang kau...tu xkan penah berubah..kau kawan aku dunia akhirat farid...kite pasti akn jumpe lagi...arah tujuan kite ttp sama..cuma kau dipanggil dahulu dari aku...takdir kite berbeza..aku akn teruskan hidup...jaga ibu kau di sana...dia sedang tunggu kau..biarkan yg hidup ni teruskan hidup..huh..
Ya Allah..kenapa die?sempat ke die bertaubat bersujud kepadamu??sempat ke??Ya Allah.maafkan lah semua kesalahan die.die cume insan biase.insan yg lemah dan mudah terpedaya dgn nikmat dunia..huu....aku jd takut...andai selepas ini giliran aku menghadap Kau ya Allah!..adakah aku bersedia??.aku belum bersedia ya Allah!..bukakanlah jalanku..suluhkanlah lorong2 gelapku ya ALlah..aku menuju ke arah taubatMu...huu..
Farid...tenanglah kau di sana...bersemadi dengan aman...ada hikmahnya mengapa Dia mengambilmu lebih awal dr yang lain2...semoga kau bahgia...sampaikan salam aku dengan yang Esa...kite pasti kan jumpe lagi di lain dunia..aku janji itu.....
We tried to be human but we failed haha (evil grins)
i have lots of things to share here with u guys and i'll make it easier for me to get in touch by having this blog. my dearest frens n i gonna make it crazier ever i hv not been able to have before..so nani will proceed...
Dont play with the fire.Please get my point.I really mean it.You may now rest in peace in 'hell'.Say whatever you wish to say and i WONT give even A shit to you.Do whatever you wish to do and i dont even fucking care.Now take back all your memeories.Ah i mean your sad black memories. even the evil memories!..plizz.. i begging you...huhuhuhu...
Its easy to say 'i love you' rather than appreciate the one who really loves and cares towards you.Pathetic huh?After all,this type of person should be categories as the most lousy-pathtic-outstanding person.You made mockery of all theses.I know your love wasnt real.And i blamed myself for stupidly believed whatever you said to. even there is my fav mistake but i still regreting it.. dont ever blame me because of my feelings towards you (evil feelings i mean)..
I blamed you,you blamed me back.Thanx for taking me for granted.I can get another you in a second man.Frankly speaking,i am the real fighther!haha im please with myslef.I know when i should surrender..AT LEAST!and so now i am surrender.The more i know you,the more i know the meaning of love.The more i love,the more i can feel the hurt.Love hurts.Loving you is a mistake,loving you is exhausting.To people out there,please do not involve youself into love.NO WAY back into love.Am i sound rigid?No im not!If you guys feel im emotive type of person,then you are wrong to be here..Dipersilakan..
I have a long holiday ahead.Tapi there is another one paper to go.Bloody you..Go study lah!Hahaha.Enough for now.Back to study ;)