
entry ni untuk hannaani.

meet my young boy, people!
i call this a life.
then u might go to class with the enjoyment and non-stop laughing all along the way and your friends might tuduh u terlebih makan pil perancang! ehhh?? question here, tlebih makan pil bole jd hyper active ek?. dear friends pil prancang pon ai x penah pegang yeh so stop making those harsh joke! it hurts me deep inside okeh! *ecehhh! i would prefer u guys to say me to over consume of caffeine like i did over consume of caffeine this morning.
next class start at 12. nervous tak hengat sbb terknang presentation *bg others, presentation may be simple. ala, kacang, present jelah. apa de hal.. but for me it is a big issue. it depend on who are the audiences and the lecturer nd the subject jugak kan. my audiences kali ni mostly juniors yang ckp melayu pon gagap2 (speak english most of the time) and those who havingcgpa 3.5 above. like nahhh! im sooo inferior lahhh! then with the lecturer who love to correct every single of your sentences especially ur grammar and interupting you while u submitting ur presentation. its distracting okay!
and now u just notice that u have class until 7 (4 to 6 break. well, im re-updating this entry in this period.hahah!) and there is another extra class at 8 till 10pm! (ponnn baru tahu jugak! dammit!) thanx you so much i loveee classes! right after class ai akan pengsan. trust me...
daydreaming: dear little Alisya, mummy miss u a lot!. sob3~
my PERSONAL opinion, cerita ni weird. hahaha... the reasons are;
- movie ni da kena tapis kot. smpai x dpt tangkap sequence between the scenes.
- vempires jahat (kalau muvi sblm2 ni dorg r musuh utama cullen's family) cuma dtg dalam mimpi bella je? motif??
- again, apa motif edward bagitau pasal past life dy yg hisap darah manusia a day before wedding? i tot i would be a big issue dlm cite ni, lepas bella kata 'it's ok, yg u bunuh tu pon series killer, u might save more people than u killed', issue tu habis cmtu je! hah??. i dont get it. *bella tak cakap melayu, sorry. hahaha..
- scene first night yg katil roboh dinding pecah tu da kna cut off ke?! wahh! dekat trailer ade tp dkt movie takde! mna aci cmni! *ehh, ke aku yg tak perasan smlm ek?. hurm,,..
- vempire pon bole produce baby!. tipuuu sgt!
- bella pregnant 4weeks da mcm 6months! tipuu lagii! adoi..*ohh, mybe sbb dy mengandungkn ank vempire kot.. huu..
- bella kna minum darah untuk survive baby dlm perut dy. x bole ke masukkn darah through tube je? ehh, tp baby tu bkn duduk dlm perut pn, baby duduk dalam womb kowt! minum darah kan terus smpi perut, mcmana nk salurkan direct kat baby tu yg ada dlm womb bia dy mnum darah tu??. through tube jelahh! *ilmu biology tu mmg sgt perlu untk menentukn tahap logic sesuatu cerita.get it?. cita ni tipu lagi!
- baby dorg lahir normal! exactly like human! kot lah dah dalam perut tu pelik sgt kn, bila lahir keluar rupa pelik2 ke.. comel siap!. tipu2...
- manada baby baru lahir da bukak mata besar2? siap pakai kanta lekap lagi?? adoilahh...
- baby baru lahir da besar macam baby 4 bulan?. apesal masa dalam perut nmpk x sebesar tu?. ke right after lahir baby tu membesar dgn sndirinya??. hurmm.. entahlah..
p/s: looking forward for Sherlock Holmes 2. tak pernah frust tgk cita ni.heee.. =)
final exam timetable. noted.
bang ogy goyang gayung!
what to say!. bangun pagi2 dah dapat cerita lawak. hahaha.. when i was in Riau, disebabkn trip leasure sgt tak hengat, watching tv was part of my activity kat sana. and there was one iklan yg menarik hati sgt. hahaha.. bila tgk ramai2 dgn those friends, it became soo funny! n this morning one of them told me that i can get the iklan on youtube! so there is!. haha...
entry ini dikeluarkan kerana sgt eager n sgt puas hati dgn dak2 ni sume punya performance!cayalah!
u know what's so special about this program for me?. when u can see ur mom beria2 n besungguh2 watching in front of the tv like nahhh!, never miss every week okeh! hahaha.. n more, when u can feeling2 like u pon among them nyanyi syok sendiri sampai kena marah 'bajet suara ko sedap?!!' ngn adk badik sndri?. hahaha, duhh, like i care! kn kn??.
tema malam ni juara lagu AJL. wa telling u ya, most of the songs are my fav songs! mega, aisyah, fauziah latif, fransisca peter, ramlah ram, siti, spider! who else! haha...
i cakap kat u ek.. dorang punya voices gila tak tahan! gila! like Ajai said, org dewasa lagi banyak buat salah drpd budak2.. okeh, dorg cool! haha.. me personally vote for abby, leen, shasha and hairul and ainilhawa.*ehhh??
dik, wish u all the best!. nyanyi tu nyanyi jugak. school jangan lupa ya dik!. hehehe..
dear guys. when woman is in mood swing, over sensitive, negatively reacted, it doesn't mean she hate you or she mad at you. she love you in fact!. it just about hormone. this video is sooo nice to understand woman who in pms. watch and learn smthg. hahaha..
ini video lawak sepajang zaman.haha.. tp masih boleh dijadikan sebagai bahan rujukan kpd sesapa yg suka lalai dan leka dgn perasaan sndri trmasuklah diri sndiri ni ha..
ahhaaa.. the last one is my favourite! 'baby' untuk perempuan yang kau tak suka??. untuk perempuan yang kau dah tanak?. what a great player u are kn kn??. hurmm..
p/s: I love PERTH Australia! cant wait to go there!.#berangan
kenapa baby itu comel? kenapa? kenapa kalau kita nmpk baby kita rasa geram je nk cubit2 pipi dy nk gomol2 macam dah takde dah hari esok? dari dia baru lahir sampailah umur 2-3 tahun tu kita mmg geram je tgk dorg especially yg comel2 yg gebu2 tu.. tak kesah la laki ke pompuan tp kita ttp suka..
adakah kita akan rasa bebudak yg umur 3-5 tu stil comel lagi? n kita rasa nk gomol2 dorang nk cubit2 pipi dorg lagi? mungkin ada yang kata yes. yelah kalo budak2 gebu, mmg geram je tgk all the time kan. tp kalau bebudak yg lincah tak bertepi, buas kemainn, kita akan rasa dorg ni comel lagi ke? org tua cakap, budak2 kecik yg lincah bakalnya cerdik dan pandai bila besar nanti.. yeke?.
ok. situasinya bile bebudak yg besar gitu, boys lah ye, stail buas, keja nak usik bebudak lain, nakal kemain,. kita rasa dia comel lagi ke tak? ok, tmbh siket. kalau dy anak org kaya yg umur 3-4 tahun pon da hebat guna iphone4, pahtu stail nk pandang pelik je kt bebudak lain yg kononya tak sama taraf dgn dia, kita rasa dia comel lagi tak? ok, tambah la lg sikit. dahlah begitu, stail mulut takde insuran pulak. damn, shit, bodoh, babi, sial,
for girls, kekecik mmg la comel. bila makbapak pkaikan dress, gaun, baju2 setail zaman2 moden ni. mmglah melayan bebudak yg keletah itu menarik. banyak cakap org cakap bijak. tp kalau dah kecik2 pon cakap stail diva, nk begaya melaram ala2 anak kimora, masihkah kita rasa mereka cute? kecik2 pon dah pandai demand tinggi2. nk makan kat restaurant pon stail macam nk makan kat 5star hotel, acane? comel lagi?
bebudak umur 5-12 tahun yang da start skola tu. kita rasa dorg comel lagi tak? comel lagi ke bila mereka da mula bergaul, lelaki perempuan hu ha hu ha. kekecik pon da pandai bsosial kemainn. nk bcakap begurau macam takda batas langsung. kecik2 cmtu, kalau pegang2 laki pmpuan mmg lah x de rasa apa sgt. nafsu x hebat lagi. *ehh tp dah ada ye kes kanak2 lelaki umur 9tahun merogol girl umur 11 tahun. wondering, boy umur 9thn, desire dorg da develop ke? hurmmm~ bila perempuan da pandai bcakap pasal lelaki idaman. haha. dan bila lelaki da pandai tanya itu ini pasal hal2 sensitif perempuan. rasa2 dorg ni cute lagi ke tak?
entry ini bukan nak mengata sesiapa. cuma wondering dengan kehidupan semasa. pelik. kenapa kanak2 yg keletah semacam kita kata mereka bijak? yang senyap dan pendiam? nak cakap dorg ni bodoh ke? bebudak yang kecilnya pendiam besarnya juga bakal pendiam. untuk perempuan, pendiam itu perlu. sekurang-kurangnya tak banyak perkataan2 yang bakal menyakitkan hati org lain dilafazkan. pakaian yang mahal dan setail x effect apa2 pon pada budak2. kita pamper diorg dgn khidupan yg senang dr dorg kecil. since baby kita pkaikn dorg dress, tight, tube, short. what do you expect them when dorg besar nnt dorg trus pkai tudung labuh? haha.. hurmm... sbb tu org dulu2 ckp melentur buluh biarlah dr rebungnya. ajarlah sopan santun pada kanak2 yg mahu membesar. jangan berbangga membesarkan anak yang bakalnya jauh dr agamanya sendiri. sekian.
dad-daughter session.
me: kakak rasa ada org suka kt kakak lah yah.
d: baguslah kalau macam tu. cool gile suara!
me: tak bagus. sbb dia org kelantan. *smbil gelak besar n buat2 mkn laju2. waiting for his respons
(my mom da pandang slack. mamposlah ak pahni)
d: kelantan pun tak kesah. ayah mana2 pon boleh.
me: tp nama dy siap ada nik lagi.. hahaha.. btol2 tak kesah ke ni? *again, respons awaited. sbb tau dy anti org klantan berstatus nik ni.. haha.
d: asalkan dia bole jaga sediakan keperluan cukup untuk ank ayh, apa salahnya..
mom: nik aziz ke?? *tibe jeh!
ok. ai frust sbnrnya. knp ayh respon cmtu?. i am expecting him to respon otherwise! fyi ya dad, tak pernah terlintas pon kt dalam fikiran nk dpt org sana. kan susah nk balik raya nnt. mkanan manis2 belake. cakap deme pon x phm. lelaki kelantan da lah kuat jeles! (ok ni my friend yg bgtaw. ai x tau lah btol ke tak.haha)
note: watak nik dlm dialog d atas hanyalah rekaan smata2 untuk mlihat respon ayahanda. ehh, kalau pon watak nik tu wujud, sy x rasa la dy suka kat saya. ehh, hurm in case dy betul suka sy pon, sy x suka kt dy. hahahaha..
self-reminder: ayah pesan jangan biasakan menanam tebu di pinggir bibir. dah berapa ramai hati yang terluka sbb saya. owhh, me da tacing. well dad u know your daughter good enough. cuma i didnt mean to hurt anyone. please forgive me...
into it
hoping for the miracle
but still, i hope for some miracle. kind of miracle like last teusday's class. huuu... dear sir, please postpone the test! i am certainly sure i am not the only one who is not ready for this midterm.. huu... #mengharap
you know it's a sad situation when you feel like minggle up with your family especially in their big day but u are away. i felt sad that night and nobody cares! fine fine..
mak ayah adik abang sume tada. they were leaving me alone here and off to penang. atuk nenek plak balik haji on this date. ok. double sadness. kempunan nak hantar depa p ritu, ni nk jmpt balik pon x pat join. thanx classes. i missed my precious time with my families.
harap sumanya bjalan lancar. ayah drive hati2. we'll be meeting again tomorrow! cant wait yeah!
blog ni merepek rupanya.
50 Questions That Will Free Your Mind
1. How old would you be if you didn’t know how old you are? 32yrs old
2. Which is worse, failing or never trying?never trying
3. If life is so short, why do we do so many things we don’t like and like so many things we don’t do?human nature. people are born that way. that makes people a unique cretures!
4. When it’s all said and done, will you have said more than you’ve done?occasionaly.
5. What is the one thing you’d most like to change about the world?destroy tyranny system that already established in human's life being. women are the slave of men emotionally and physically. go to hell with that!
6. If happiness was the national currency, what kind of work would make you rich? blowing baloons for kids. hahah!
7.Are you doing what you believe in, or are you settling for what you are doing? im doing enything i wish to do. anything!
8. If the average human life span was 40 years, how would you live your life differently? no law school. learn to play music instruments should be a better pleasurre. owh not to forget! to have my single travel to the seven wonders!
9. To what degree have you actually controlled the course your life has taken? i cant properly control my life as yet. especially when regard to hearts and emotional. yes. blame me for that.
10. Are you more worried about doing things right, or doing the right things? both!
11. You’re having lunch with three people you respect and admire. They all start criticizing a close friend of yours, not knowing she is your friend. The criticism is distasteful and unjustified. What do you do? keep silent. curse them in silent. smile a bit. and ask permission to leave. enough for the hurt feeling. im not joining them anymore.
12. If you could offer a newborn child only one piece of advice, what would it be? be a better person than me duniawi n ukhrawi.
13. Would you break the law to save a loved one? man-made law, maybe. devine law, perhaps not.
14. Have you ever seen insanity where you later saw creativity? nope.
15. What’s something you know you do differently than most people? saying love out loud! hahah!
16. How come the things that make you happy don’t make everyone happy? when i love someone else's boyfriend! hahaha! joking. when i asked my dad's money even more than my mom should. lalala~
17. What one thing have you not done that you really want to do? What’s holding you back? to have babies!
18. Are you holding onto something you need to let go of? yes. like seriously yes!
19. If you had to move to a state or country besides the one you currently live in, where would you move and why? i dont want to go anywhere actually. if it happens, i wont tell anyone where will i move to. kalau betul sayang, cariklah smpai jumpa. hahaha!
20. Do you push the elevator button more than once? Do you really believe it makes the elevator faster? once should be enough.
21. Would you rather be a worried genius or a joyful simpleton? second one.
22. Why are you, you? i am a result of people's destruction. i live in people's heartbroken. i learnt from those experience. n now i get scared of my own future.
23. Have you been the kind of friend you want as a friend? some how i feel like yes. to my besties, i've done everything i think its appropriate. and i got the rewards from what i've done. to be loved by them! haha.
24. Which is worse, when a good friend moves away, or losing touch with a good friend who lives right near you? second one. it hurts when u can see one who u love just in front of u but cant catch or touch them. but if saperated phisically, love can close u back over times.
25. What are you most grateful for? my families. my life especially.
26. Would you rather lose all of your old memories, or never be able to make new ones? i dont wanna make new memories if they be as weapon to hurt me back in the future!.
27. It is possible to know the truth without challenging it first? Yes. We can see truths in our own perspectives simply to shut ourselves up.
28. Has your greatest fear ever come true? not yet. but i can feel it coming closer and closer and closer.. erhhh!
29. Do you remember that time 5 years ago when you were extremely upset? Does it really matter now? owh. that was during my SPM. yes. it does matter.
30. What is your happiest childhood memory? What makes it so special? wearing my mom's best skirt and sneaking her best heels and put some make up and play kawen2 with a boy next door. haha.. dy dah nak kawen btol2 dah pon. and i so called his ex-wife join p meminang girlfriend dy. perghh!
31. At what time in your recent past have you felt most passionate and alive?
there was one night, about last year my families came over to my college. it was a sad moment. my heart is dying because of a man. i burst out all the tears in front of them which that was my first time ever. i learnt something from that moment. strangers can simply break your heart. but families are always there to heal you. yes truly yes!
32. If not now, then when? -
33. If you haven’t achieved it yet, what do you have to lose?-
34. Have you ever been with someone, said nothing, and walked away feeling like you just had the best conversation ever? hahahaha! mestilah pernah!.
35. Why do religions that support love cause so many wars? because the love to person is override the love to God.
36. Is it possible to know, without a doubt, what is good and what is evil? good is me evil is him. enough said.. =D
37. If you just won a million dollars, would you quit your job? no!. but if my husband won a million dollars, then i will probably quit my job! ahahah!
38. Would you rather have less work to do, or more work you actually enjoy doing? second one.
39. Do you feel like you’ve lived this day a hundred times before? yes. haha.
40. When was the last time you marched into the dark with only the soft glow of an idea you strongly believed in? last night.
41. If you knew that everyone you know was going to die tomorrow, who would you visit today?my parents for sure.
42.Would you be willing to reduce your life expectancy by 10 years to become extremely attractive or famous? Perhaps, yes.
43.What is the difference between being alive and truly living? its like u bake a cake without putting sugar in it. then your cake definitely tasteless.
44.When is it time to stop calculating risk and rewards, and just go ahead and do what you know is right? when your are ready to be blamed for your wrongdoings which u think it was alright.
45.If we learn from our mistakes, why are we always so afraid to make a mistake? The last time hurt so much.
46.What would you do differently if you knew nobody would judge you? sing my fav song out loud in the middle of lecture hall. boring class bluwekk!
47. When was the last time you noticed the sound of your own breathing? right after i read this question. hahah!
48. What do you love? Have any of your recent actions openly expressed this love? i love to insult people. make people angry at me. yes! i enjoy doing this.
49.In 5 years from now, will you remember what you did yesterday? What about the day before that? Or the day before that? i have this blog! i have persons who can remind me of what i've done the days before.
50.Decisions are being made right now. The question is: Are you making them for yourself, or are you letting others make them for you? both answer should be applicable. hahah!
Taken from 50 Questions That Will Free Your Mind.